pure soy candles

natural scented wax melts

Do you want to have candlelight in a natural way? You should check out our soy wax candles. These candles are made of all-natural soybean candle wax. They are eco-friendly, last a long time, and are very clean.

Soybean candle wax candles are an eco-friendly, natural way to enjoy the light of candles. Every soybean wax candle is made using soybeans grown sustainably and harvested responsibly. The soybeans then undergo a creamy, smooth processing to make a perfect wax for candle making.

natural soy wax

Are you looking for an eco-friendly, all-natural way of enjoying beautifully scented candles? Our soy candles are the best! These candles, made from soybean oil are sustainable, renewable, and friendly for the environment. They also burn cleaner and last longer than traditional paraffin candles.

natural soy wax
best soy candles 2020

best soy candles 2020

Soy candles come in many tempting scents to delight any taste buds. There are classic scents like Vanilla and Lavender. Or you can go for something new like Lemongrass and Spice. It doesn't matter what scent choice you make, it will create a welcoming atmosphere in your home.

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Soybean wax candles can be made in a gentle way that is kind to the environment. The soybean wax candles are non-toxic and biodegradable making them an eco-friendly option for your home.

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fall scented soy candles
fall scented soy candles

Soybean-wax candles are a natural and sustainable way to enjoy candlelight. Each soybean wax candle contains soybeans harvested sustainably. The soybeans are then made into a smooth, creamy wax that can be used for candle making.

pure soy candles
eco soy candle wax

Our soy wax meltings are durable and simple to use. Just place one or two melts inside your diffuser to enjoy the aromatherapy benefits. Our essential oil blends were carefully created to promote relaxation and calmness. We use only the highest quality ingredients so that you can be certain you're getting the best products.

eco soy candle wax