exposed aggregate patio

concrete driveway repair contractors

Concrete services in Newcastle.

There are many factors that can influence the cost of a Newcastle concrete slab. These factors include the slab's thickness and type, as well the concrete used. Prices will vary depending on whether the slab is installed professionally or manually.

Concrete Newcastle

News from Newcastle

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reinforced concrete slope protection

Concrete pathways are common in Newcastle. Concrete pathways are common in Newcastle, connecting different areas of the city. This makes it easy to walk around. They may not be the most interesting or exciting thing to see, but they serve an important function in the city.

reinforced concrete slope protection
concrete structural works

concrete structural works

You are looking for a concrete contractor near you. The concrete guys are the right choice. We are a top-rated concrete company in the area. We can help with your new driveway, sidewalk or patio. Call us today to see what we can do for you.

floating slab foundation

Looking for a unique and stylish concrete option for your home or business in Newcastle? Consider exposed aggregate! This popular choice features crushed rock or gravel aggregate that is typically added to the top of concrete to provide a textured, natural look.

floating slab foundation
concrete floors in house
concrete floors in house

ABC Concrete Contractors can help you find a reliable concrete contractor near Newcastle. Our industry expertise is extensive and we are committed to providing high-quality services to our clients. Call us today to discuss your next project.

handyman concrete work

Are you searching for reliable concrete contractors Newcastle? ABC Concrete is home to a team full of professionals ready to tackle your next project. We'll take care of your next project, whether it be a new driveway and parking lot. Contact us today to get a complimentary estimate!

handyman concrete work

Frequently Asked Questions

Cement is a powder that is mixed with water to form concrete. Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, and gravel or crushed stone. The most important difference is that cement is the bonding agent in concrete while sand and gravel provide the bulk of the mass.

Yes, concrete is readily available in Australia. In fact, it's one of the country's most popular building materials due to its durability and affordability.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the concreting trade can vary depending on which part of Australia you are in. However, in general, concreting is a skilled trade that requires training and experience to be done correctly. As such, it is usually performed by tradespersons who have completed an apprenticeship in concreting.

If you are interested in becoming a concreter, your best bet is to speak with your local tradesperson union or association to find out what qualifications and/or experience you need. Alternatively, you could look into completing an apprenticeship in concreting.